
Creating a sticky customer experience

After years of rapid growth, a major educational institution wanted to understand the strength of their brand with a particular emphasis on the student experience through the application and enrolment process. sarmat was hired to undertake a qualitative survey of students to understand their emotional attachment to the brand..

Our Approach

The client planned to use the research findings to underpin a change in how they promote the brand and inject a ‘personality’ into the brand proposition. sarmat created a custom brand survey tailored to their unique category, allowing us to understand the impact of every interaction. The study was fully functional on mobile devices and used advanced analytics to inform a unified strategy in building brand preference across promoters, passives, and detractors.


The client used the findings that sarmat identified to reposition the brand to convey a ‘human’ connection at key touch points in the on-boarding process.

We confirmed the client’s marketing materials (e.g., visual aids) could be altered to convey the aspects of emotional positioning in conjunction with the rational attributes of the offer. We also identified that the premise of a brand operating in this market must possess a distinctive personality that allows it to occupy a unique place in decision making process.


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