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Data Science

We are continually reminded, data is everywhere. But what are organisations actually doing with it?

sarmat’s focuses on the strategic issues facing executives by providing solutions fro make your data work harder, from how organisations and their leaders extract real insight from data to what is necessary to retain and build trust with consumers. These issues become even more important with the emergence of artificial intelligence.

By applying scientific rigour, we are able to assist in evaluating your datasets, building models, and evaluating their performance. Our methodical approach helps clients maximise the value of their data by deriving robust and meaningful data insights.

For customers who wish to advance analytics maturity by developing internal data science capabilities and workflows, our experienced team are able to provide high-level advisory services..

Analytics Strategy

Information management and culture issues stymie the ability of most organisations to generate significant economic benefits from their wealth of information assets. Our comprehensive approach and well-honed techniques produce a complete understanding of these challenges and a detailed strategy and plan for surmounting them. This includes identifying immediate and long-term opportunities for improving information’s capture, flow, availability and utilisation throughout your organisation.

Both information management maturity and analytic maturity are addressed for a balanced approach to optimising how your information assets can improve key business functions, such as growing revenue and market share, streamlining operations, mitigating risks, improving customer and partner relationships, and even digitalising business services and products.

AI Advisory

Artificial intelligence (AI) is an increasingly relevant, yet somewhat elusive area of technology. Many business leaders struggle to understand its short- and long-term opportunities, and how to prioritize AI technologies within a larger business strategy.

sarmat offers a set of services, from purely educational to strategic, to help organizations learn more about AI, discover and prioritize the ways they can apply it to their business and connect with resources who can help them achieve their objectives.

Social Data Strategy

Social data is still largely isolated from business-critical enterprise data. This can yield isolated findings that lead to partially-informed decisions, internal discord, missed opportunities and a lack of visibility. sarmat’s Social Data Intelligence Roadmap (SDIR) helps companies use social signals and data to drive better business decisions.

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